Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Illimani - Dawn near the summit

From http://www.flickr.com/photos/tobyns/19392439/:

Toby NS posted a photo:

Illimani - Dawn near the summit

At about 6,100m. Unfortunately of the 3 mountains we attempted, this one eluded me. Just after this photo there was a nasty crevice we had to climb and then a steep ice face (with really bad ice that would shatter in plates when you hit it with an axe or crampon). Anyway, about 50 metres up the ice face I lost all my points and fell (I was being belayed, but still the few foot drop was certainly an interesting feeling!). Needless to say, our highly intense guide decided that it was too difficult and we had to descend. Very disappointing indeed (we had about 200m to go), but in retrospect it was quite an experience in itself.


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