2005 presidential ballot
From http://www.flickr.com/photos/mcentellas/44102781/:
mcentellas posted a photo:
This is the ballot that'll be used for the December 2005 presidential election in Bolivia. The bottom half of the ballot will carry the name/photo of candidates for "uninominal" deputies (the half of the lower house elected by single member district, first-past-the-post vote). The other half of the lower house, as well as the entire senate, is elected using proportional representation from the top (presidential) half of the ballot.
The three strongest candidates (who're polling about 18-22% for the past weeks) are UN (Unidad Nacional), MAS (Movimiento al Socialismo), and PODEMOS (Poder Democratico Social).
The presidential candidates: Samuel Doria Medina (UN) is former MIR vice presidential candidate, and only recently left MIR before the 2004 municipal elections. Evo Morales (MAS) is the leader of the Chapare coca growers syndicate & [alleged] friend of Chavez. Tuto Quiroga (PODEMOS) is fomer president from ADN. None of the other candidates are expected to do much at this point, beyond perhaps some regional victories for MIP, NFR, MNR (if they're lucky).
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