Friday, August 12, 2005

What can I say

From Hey... You've got weasles on your face.:

Yesterday was good. Meg and I got out and about, hit a few thrift shops and picked up some "new" school clothes for her. It was a bit of a struggle to get her to try things on, but we did eventually wind up with a few pairs of pants and a couple hoodies. There is something to be said for a kid who wears her shirts baggy, the ones that don't have holes in them from last year still fit. Cheaper this year. :)
I also picked up a few things for the Europe trip, including a gorgeous sweater and a pair of boots. It's probably best I bought them now, when it cools off, the prices get jacked up even in thrift stores.
After shopping we went to Zemam's (Ethiopian food) with Michelle and Jeff. I had forgotten there was no silverware, so I wound up eating the bread. The food was good. I regretted the bread thing later in the evening. After lunch, we hit Safehouse (my favourite coffee shop) and flirted with the tattooed Barista behind the counter for a little bit. Michelle's son and Meg hung out upstairs and gave Michelle and me some time to talk. It was a nice afternoon. After doing a little shop for something to complement senach's amazing cooking, I headed over for dinner and hung out. Watched Chronicles of Riddick director's cut and had an absolutely wonderful meal.
Meg and I took the scenic route home at around 9pm. It was cooler, moist, and the air smelled of creosote. It felt good just to drive. We put in our Josh Groban CD and rolled the windows down and sang in Italian into the darkness.
The only bad thing that came about yesterday is that my job has no work for me and therefore I'll be home for another week before school starts. I'm thinking I'll finish painting, find a home for the birds, refurbish the wood stove. Hopefully Kiri will deliver her baby(s) soon, but is showing few signs of being interested in doing so just yet. She did yell at me about breakfast this morning. This next week will be Spring Cleaning (so to speak). I've got less than a year to get rid of over 1/2 my stuff to prepare for the grad school move. The most painful of this purge will be my books. I'm considering putting that off until the end. My library is about 200+ books. Troys, which is mixed with mine (and will be a royal pain in the ass to separate) is about 100+.
Anyway, does anyone want several boxes of Science magazines? My old Philosophy prof gave them to me... I don't know what I was thinking when I said "yes".

So my dark mood has lifted somewhat. I have a lot to do. I guess I've kind of switched into "planning the next trip" mode in order to maintain myself here. Part of me thinks the trip to Bolivia might have been a mistake...because it reminded me of what I have been missing all these years in one place. A larger part is very glad I've been reminded.

From Hey... You've got weasles on your face. (feed)
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