Monday, July 11, 2005

So How Bout That Trip To Bolivia....

From DLo's Outake On Life:

Bolivia was AMAZING

It took us about two full days travel time to get there and back, a lot of the time which was spent in airports, but we always had fun.  In Bolivia, we did so much ministry.  We were usually out of the hotel by like 8 oclock, headed off to do a performance for people of all ages.  The amazing missionaries placed most of our group into one of two shows that they do on a regular basis.  I was fortunate enough to make it into both shows.  One was a kids show of Jonah and the Whale.  We had to get all decked out in dress clothes and walk around pretending to be proper.  The other show was called Born Again.  This was a more serious show for a more adult crowd.  On top of that, we performed our own skits on a regular basis consisting of Bright Eyes, The Marianette Skit, and The Mime.  We would ususally do morning ministry from about 8:30 to noon/1oclockish before having lunch.  After lunch we'd do ministry from about 2:30 to 7:30/8 oclockish, eating dinner around 8:30/9 every night.  Through all of the things we did, we always made sure God was the only one being glorified.  And we were totally blessed by the hundreds of salvations while we were there.  A few highlights were visiting the foreign army base and putting on a show for them, the wild and crazy MUFA PUFA games VIVA ESTADOS UNIDOS!!!, hanging out with the cool missionaries who we all just fell in love with, drinking " tap water and cinnamon" for communion, visiting Dr. K's house/ WOL future camp facilities, shooting off fireworks on the 4th of July, personally leading a man to the Lord through an interpreter, and getting to know everyone better. Overall, we had an unbelivable time in Cochabamba, God was really with us.

These past few days after, i've actually not been feeling too hot, i mean i've been like a faucet since we've been home. It's kind of scary, but my stomach refuses to hold any food, so let your imagination run wild with all the possibilities to rid it, and there you have me.  But i'm pressing on and staying strong. 

Not much else is really new, i got a 4 on my APUSH exam which is pimpin. Other than that, working 30 hours a week, party at the whites on Friday night to honor the seniors, and i still have to get my senior pics takin.  Can't believe it, senior next year, it's unreal....

Keep it con queso

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